The game GTA 5 is extremely enormous. The world of the game is huge. Thus, there are many things you can do. But things get boring. And you get bored with the game. No matter how much you enjoy playing GTA 5. So, there are 10 Things You can Do When You Are Bored at playing GTA 5.
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: PLAY AROUND IN A TANK
I can’t think of a better way to waste your time than rolling around in a tank! You can destroy vehicles on the road, you can destroy helicopters in the air, and you could even destroy property if you wanted to. So, next time you are bored literally wreck everything with a tank.
This is both good for practice, and for when you are growing tiresome of GTA 5. Just head to the shooting range and start crafting your skills. What is better than satisfying your boredom and improving your skills at the same time?
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: FLY A JUMBO JET
Why not turn the game into a high-quality version of Pilot Wings? Driving around in vehicles and tanks is great mindless fun, but flying in a jet is a totally different story. Doing this will allow you to see a completely different view of the game, and it should entertain you for a while.
OK, so I have found something that will top the last one. Instead of just flying in a jet, how about you pick up a car from a helicopter? Sure, this probably sounds really stupid but when you are bored, you will do anything!
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: HIJACK A BLIMP
Do you know that huge thing in the sky that is called a blimp? Well, the next time you see it in the game take a helicopter and go hijack it. For whatever reason, it is so entertaining to hijack something that nobody even cares about. It is possible, though, that I am bored too often.
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: GO TO THE STRIP CLUB
What is the point of spending money to go the strip club, when you can do it in GTA 5? Even if you aren’t bored, what is better than watching half-naked women dancing on a pole? I guess you could say real-life women dancing on a pole, but you get the point!
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: PARACHUTING
If you are too scared to go parachuting for real, then just do it in the game. If you have nothing better to do in the game and are finding yourself extremely bored, then fly off of a cliff with a parachute. This may get old after two seconds, but for those two seconds, you will have had more fun than you were having!
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: RIDE A ROLLERCOASTER
As long as you have the imagination, almost anything is possible in this game. If you are walking along and see a roller coaster, then go ride on it. You can’t replace the amazing feeling of riding a roller coaster.
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: PLAY GOLF
If you are really bored and want to play a recreational sport, then go golfing. I don’t mean in real life, either, I mean go golfing in GTA 5. Just stop by the nearest Golf Resort, and saddle up for a round of eighteen.
How To Play GTA 5 When You Are Bored: GO HUNTING
Just like you can waste hours playing golf in GTA 5, you can also go hunting. Considering that you already are very skilled in gun shooting, why not go find yourself some meat? You shall never be bored playing the game again, as long as you do these activities.