With all the negative press surrounding BuzzFeed these days, it’s a wonder they’re still around. Yet, here they are, pumping out clickbait like it’s their job. Well, technically it is their job. Let’s give them some credit though. The good folks over at BF have been working hard to up their legitimacy with high-quality posts. Still, it’s no place to spend all your time on the internet.
The internet is a huge, dark and magical place. If there is anything you want to find, you can find it online. So don’t just stick to one website for your news. Explore a little. Take some risks. Hence, we have compiled the 10 best websites on the internet. By the end of it all, you just might learn a thing or two.
If you’re looking for something a little more intelligent and globally minded than Buzzfeed, look no further than TED. TED is famous for their TED talks, informational presentations given at conferences all over the globe. Here, you’ll find the worlds greatest thinkers attempting to make a difference through their ideas.
You can choose from thousands of fascinating TED talks. Whether you dig philosophy, comedy, psychology, technology or just about anything that ends in a “y” then you’ll love these talks. Be careful though, it’s easier than you think to get sucked in a TED hole. There are reports of some viewers going days without food or water because they’re sucked in by all the awesome information. Well, that’s not really true but you never know.

What’s the difference between BuzzFeed and The New Yorker? Well, they are both equally pretentious organizations. All jokes aside, DifferenceBetween.net is a website you should really check out.
As its name suggests, DifferenceBetween.net shows you the difference between various topics in the world. For example, you can read about the difference between the iPhone X and the iPhone 8 or dig into more serious topics like the difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide. Much like TED talks, you can get lost within the deep and complex realms of this website if you’re not careful. At least you’ll learn something though.

There are websites like Buzzfeed and there are websites like Wikipedia. But then, you get websites like The Geocities-izer. Geocities-izer is for that guy that misses the 1990’s internet scene so much, they want to live in it forever. Depending on your age, you may have even made your own Geocities web page as a kid.
For those that don’t know what any of this means, well, it’s just something you have to try for yourself. Luckily, Geocities-izer makes it all too easy. Simply head on over to their website and type in any URL into their search bar. Now, just sit back and watch the transformation begin.
Suddenly, your website of choice looks like it was made by a teenager in 1997. There are cheesy .gifs, bright colors, comic sans and more. While this website is certainly fun for nostalgia purposes, it definitely makes you feel grateful for the technology we have now. But who knows? Maybe you’ll live your life in Geocities style from now on.

We are not responsible for any addiction to Wikipedia Random you may have after reading this article. Any long trips down the rabbit hole are at the fault of your own. Proceed with caution.
Great, now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk a little about Wikipedia Random. Can you guess what this website is all about? It’s not rocket science. Wikipedia Random is a website that simply sends you to a random Wikipedia page. If you’ve ever gone down a Wikipedia hole from clicking various links until you end up on the other side of the world, then you know how dangerous Wikipedia Random is.
Perhaps you don’t think you have a thirst for knowledge. Maybe you’re a BuzzFeed loyalist. Well, Wikipedia Random is about to prove all your previous thoughts and ideas wrong. By the end of your long journey, you’ll forget who you are, where you came from or why we even exist. Have fun!

Do you like entertaining, high-quality videos? Do you like investing? Want to combine both in one, easy to digest package? Look no further, for your dreams are answered. Don’t come looking for cheesy clickbait like BuzzFeed. Investory is a place where you’ll spend some quality time.
You’re probably thinking that investing is only for those corporate bigwigs and Wall Street jock munchers. That’s simply not the case. You are investing right this very second by reading this article. That’s right. Investing isn’t just about money. Whether it’s time, energy, cash or whatever else, we invest in things every day. The goal of Investory is to inform, teach and entertain you about the wide world of investing. Check it out.

If you think history is boring, then maybe it’s not the history that ‘s boring. Maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and see just how boring you’ve become. Finished? Great, now head on over to Whizzpast.com. Whizzpast is a website where history is turned into a spectacle. Unlike Wikipedia, Whizzpast is much more fun to read. It’s fun, well-written and entertaining.
This isn’t Buzzfeed, clickbait history though. The folks at Whizzpast really know what they’re doing and before you know it, you’ll be a historical expert.

BuzzFeed does a lot of things well. However, one thing BuzzFeed sucks at is teaching you another language. Don’t get mad though, it’s not really the mission of that website. But it is the mission of Lang-8. If you’re trying to learn a language and want native speakers to correct every mistake you make, then Lang-8 is the place for you. Just start typing away and wait for the bombardment of other people telling you you’re wrong. Hey, it’s a good way to learn.

Are you an artist? Well, it doesn’t matter because anyone can be on Weavesilk.com. Just like BuzzFeed is a place for fake journalists to hang out, Weavesilk.com is a place for fake artists to kill some time while their professor lectures about Monet or whatever. Of course, there are certainly talented people on Weavesilk. Will you be the next, great digital artists? If not, BuzzFeed is always looking for more fake journalists.

Remember when folks actually hand wrote letters? Yeah, those were crazy times weren’t they. If only there was some site that compiled a beautiful collection of postcards, faxes, telegrams, and memos from long ago. Oh wait, that’s exactly what LettersOfNote.com does. Sorry BuzzFeed, defeated once again.

This one might be the granddaddy of them all. Sure, you might get lucky and learn a thing or two from BuzzFeed but it’s nothing compared to what you’ll soak in at Khan Academy. Listen to this. If you want to expand that great, beautiful mind of yours then Khan Academy has hundreds of awesome courses. The best part is, you can take them all for free!

Hear that sound? BuzzFeed is crying. Crying in defeat.