Even if you are the biggest PS4 fan on the planet, chances are you still don’t know much about the most recent video games deals on the market. Luckily for you, we’ve listed the Top 6 Most Discounted Games for PS4.
1. Final Fantasy XV for PS4 – 35% Off
This Edition includes the Final Fantasy XV game itself and the new Massamune DLC gun. This version is more action-oriented compared to the traditional edition.
2. SkyrimThe, Elder Scrolls V for PS4 – 50% Off
This special edition is the winner of multiple “Game of the Year” Awards. This version of the game offers a vast number of cool add-ons and unique features.
3. Watch Dogs 2 for PS4 – 35% Off
The gameplay will introduce you to the mysteries San Francisco and the Silicon Valley. Your possibilities in the game are limitless: you can hack any vehicle you want, crash cars and planes. In other words, you are a designer of the game.
4. Battlefield 1 – PS4 – 33% Off
Squad up with a couple of friends and declare war against the opponent. This game is a lot of fun when it comes to multiplayer battles. Strike at the enemy from air, sea, or the land. No fight is the same, every map offers a unique experience.
5. UNCHARTED: Nathan Drake for PS4 – 55% Off
In this game, you will be able to put yourself in the shoes of Nathan Drake and play across a trilogy of white-knuckle adventures. In the game, you will go through the struggles of the main protagonist who is facing the inability to balance family and adventures.
The game offers new trophies, photo mode (you can pause the game at any moment and capture the most interesting moment on camera), and thief’s end multiplayer beta.
6. Overwatch – Origins Edition for PS4 – 33% Off
Overwatch offers an extremely extraordinary experience. In the game, you will play as heroes and fight for the better future.