Adam Driver made a huge impression as Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and it was only a matter of time before he got the Saturday Night Live Treatment. In an SNL spoof called “Star Wars: Starkiller Base”, Kylo Ren went undercover as radar technician Matt, to get a candid perspective of his employees.
The sketch uses the formula of Undercover Boss, where a CEO pretends to be a new employee, to see what life is really like on the job. The SNL version defies expectations when Ren gets touchy and violent, though it also shows a more compassionate, softer side.
Will We See More of Kylo Ren on SNL?
The Force Awakens came out back in 2015, with The Last Jedi following in 2017. Adam Driven hosted SNL following both of these films, but he didn’t reprise his role as Kylo Ren in his 2018 hosting performance. In fact, he didn’t do any Star Wars sketches at all.
This begs the question, will Adam Driver ever reprise his performance as Kylo Ren on Saturday Night Live? First, Driver would have to host the show again. His last hosting performance was one of SNL’s most popular episodes of the year, so they might invite him again. Second, Kylo Ren’s next big screen appearance will need to be a success for SNL to wish to reference it. As the last Star Wars movie broke $1 Billion at the box office, this seems like a sure thing.
What If Kylo Ren Dies in the Next Star Wars Movie?
Most Star Wars fans agree that Kylo Ren will likely die at the end of the next Star Wars movie, just like Darth Vader before him. This would all but guarantee that Adam Driven would leave his most famous character behind forever, at least in theatrical releases.
As for TV appearances, Adam Driver may not want to tie himself to the older character, for fear that he’ll be typecast. Some actors don’t like to reference their most popular work when hosting SNL for this reason. On the other hand, Adam Driver is one of the biggest actors in the world; so, he can do what he wants. Thus, don’t be surprised if we see another edition of Star Wars Undercover Boss before the end of the decade.